Protecting the spirit of sport

Sport has existed for millennia. Society benefits from values of ethics, fair play, respect, honesty, health, and excellence in performance.

As opportunities to participate as athletes and spectators evolve, sport thrives. But so do opportunities for exploitation.

Using Clue for investigations into competition manipulation

Learn how sports integrity teams can use Clue to better detect, disrupt and protect athletes from suspected match manipulation in this free-to-access guide.

Clue for sports integrity

Upholding sports integrity is crucial. Protecting sport’s reputation for fair play preserves its positive impact on individuals, the economy and society, for generations to come.  

Clue helps proactive sports governing bodies, clubs and other organisations achieve better outcomes from intelligence and investigations into threats including corruption, match manipulation, doping, and safeguarding.

Trusted in the sporting world

Our software helps sports governing bodies, clubs, data and technology companies, and other organisations protect sporting environments from a range of threats.

Genius Sports Light logo
RFU logo logo
International Tennis Integrity Agency logo
Biathlon Integrity Unit logo
International Cricket Council logo

Corruption in sport

Undermining tenets of fairness, respect, and unpredictability, high-level corruption erodes the reputation of sport and its benefits to individuals, societies, and economies by diverting them from intended recipients.  

Clue for corruption in sport

By detecting threats early, conducting robust investigations, sharing intelligence with partners, sports organisations can maintain vigilance, ensure corruptors are held accountable and prevent future incidents from taking place.  

Match manipulation

By removing unpredictability from sport through bribery and coercion of players and officials, organised crime groups can leverage a global betting market to exploit an expanding list of sports and events.  

Clue for match manipulation

Sports teams, governing bodies, and betting companies face a vast challenge in combating ‘match fixing.’ By implementing trusted and secure methods of reporting, collaborating seamlessly, and acting on complex data with confidence, integrity teams can begin to turn the tide on the tried-and-tested criminal practice. 


The pressures and demands of competition too often lead athletes and their teams to supplement dedication, training, and natural ability with prohibited medications, drugs, or treatments to improve athletic performance. 

Clue for doping

Testing programmes are only part of the solution. Sports integrity teams must disrupt doping culture at its root through data-led awareness campaigns, safe and secure referral mechanisms, and proactive collaboration and intelligence sharing between a global sports integrity ecosystem.  


The positive impacts of sport depend on the development and protection of safe, healthy, and diverse & inclusive environments where athletes and officials can flourish at all levels. Safeguarding is a core responsibility of every sporting organisation.  

Clue for safeguarding

Policy, procedure, and training provides the bedrock for safeguarding, but effective implementation requires continual risk monitoring and trusted mechanisms for reporting that provide confidence and assurance to athletes, that lead to improved outcomes from cases, and ensure wrongdoers are held to account.  

A single application for sports integrity

Conduct end-to-end investigation and intelligence operations with one application, from first referral to case file.


Trusted and secure reporting

Trusted and secure reporting

Implement referral mechanisms that players, officials and participants can trust.

Clue’s Whistleblower Protection Interface is securely linked between your official website and your Clue system via API. Users can choose to submit incident reports confidentially or with full anonymity.  

Combine your data sources

Combine your data sources

Converge your intelligence sources and gain new insights from your data.

Clue collects data via manual input or automatically via API integration with external systems – information is structured instantly ready for investigation, while insights tools enable you to visualise your data.

Share data easily with partners

Share data easily with partners

Collaborate effectively and share data securely with other organisations.

Clue allows you to quickly share data, reports, and case files with partners direct via API or PDF export. Intelligence can be graded and sanitised in Clue.

Act on early warning signs

Act on early warning signs

Disrupt threats quickly with automatic link detection between records.

Clue helps you quickly surface risk by identifying links between new and existing records that might otherwise go under the radar. This helps you develop existing intelligence or cases or disrupt threats quickly.

Export reports and case files

Export reports and case files

Produce reports and compliant case files in seconds in multiple formats.

Clue enables you to create reports on click from information in your system, from progress updates, awareness campaign materials, to case files. Custom templates ensure exported documents are produced in compliant formats.

Ensure security and compliance

Ensure security and compliance

Consolidate sensitive information in and ensure auditability and access control

Clue ensures data is collected, stored, and managed in one secure application. Access controls protect sensitive information while auditing capability provides evidence that compliant process has been followed.

“We gather substantial amounts of data, and Clue’s efficient and focussed search engine allows high speed ‘data hit’ return… searching all that data and names takes milliseconds.”

International Tennis Integrity Agency
International Tennis Integrity Agency
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