Fraud Detection

In a digital world, fraud is becoming more prevalent and sophisticated. Organisations require robust fraud detection solutions, tools, and technologies to stay ahead of the growing threat.
Used by counter fraud teams across government, the public and private sectors, Clue offers leading intelligence and investigation software to enhance and simplify the detection of fraudulent activity.
By gathering all information sources into Clue, counter fraud users can utilise a comprehensive suite of features to surface new insights and connections, develop intelligence and conduct fraud investigations, securely share data with partners, and export reports and case files.

Consolidate intelligence sources
Utilise an entity-centric design that empowers teams to consolidate and connect information from multiple intelligence sources and investigative materials and uncover new insights for fraud detection, leads, and avenues of investigation.

Proactively respond to warning signs:
Develop a comprehensive intelligence picture that facilitates the early identification and evaluation of fraud risks and threats. Through streamlined referral triaging, Clue facilitates timely intervention to detect fraud early and prevent the escalation of misconduct and potential dangers.

Collaborate and exchange data with partners
Organise and manage intelligence holdings according to national standards, such as the National Intelligence Model. Disseminate fraud intelligence securely by utilising encrypted links between different Clue instances, fostering effective information sharing with trusted partners.

Consolidate intelligence sources:
Implement secure mechanisms for fraud analytics, enabling early detection and the acquisition of information referrals directly from various sources within your organisation or from the general public. These mechanisms ensure the integrity and confidentiality of reported data.
“Our strapline is: Spot it, report it, together we stop it. The Clue system embodies this and helps NHSCFA and the NHS counter fraud community identify fraud risks – it supports better reporting and, ultimately, helps us in our work to stop fraud.”