Endeavour Release

While we’ve been busy rolling out the Dexter release to customers, the Clue Product and Technology teams have been preparing the next major feature release, named Endeavour.
The release is focused on 3 core features: File Preview, Case & Disclosure, and Clue API Filtering enhancements.
File Preview
This new feature will enable Clue users to preview common types of file attachment quickly and easily in a pop-up within the application, rather than having to download files to the local PC to view. A step forward in efficiency, File Preview also supports data security by reducing the need for files to be downloaded.

Figure 1: Attachments list showing the new Preview link.

Figure 2: Preview of an image file, showing options to scroll through file list, zoom and annotate.

Figure 3: Details tab

Figure 4: File properties tab
Case & Disclosure
By providing richer Case building functionality (e.g., sorting items on schedules), Clue can be used by more customers to build prosecution cases for criminal, civil, or private prosecutions across multiple jurisdictions.
As part of ongoing Case and Disclosure community work, several enhancements have been identified that will improve the user experience when classifying case materials for disclosure:
- The ability to order and group items in the schedules.
- Additional information about materials will be displayed in the Classification area of Clue, making it easier to classify.
- New items will be able to be classified in addition to Witnesses, Statements and Materials – enabling them to be disclosed.
- Classification filter options will be expanded, providing a more powerful working data set for classification.
- Within an Investigation, Investigator Notes will provide the ability to search, filter and sort notes. Functionality is being added to assist in the classification and disclosure of Investigator Notes.
- Generating a Case bundle for sharing with a prosecutor will become easier.
API Filtering
Several enhancements to the Clue API will provide different methods of data filtering. This will reduce resource utilisation in addition to enabling Clue users to pull only the relevant information back, making it easier to use the API both for analytics and the future development of third-party analytics integrations, such as Microsoft Power Query.
Microsoft Power Query
Following a trial with a range of customers we are now releasing Clue functions for Power Query to our marketplace and providing an enhanced data support package.
Power Query is a data connection and transformation tool that is embedded in the Microsoft Excel and Power BI desktop applications. It can be used to connect to various data sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and web services, and then perform transformations on that data, such as filtering, sorting, and grouping.
It is currently used by customers for producing high frequency management information reports but can also be used in conjunction with intelligence development and analysis.
Intelligence Sharing
Clue now provides the opportunity for limited Intelligence Sharing between two instances of the application. This feature, enabled via the Clue API allows for enhanced collaboration between organisations or business units with their own instance of Clue to transfer intelligence quickly and easily.
The Intelligence Sharing function allows a graded 3x5x2 intelligence report to be electronically disseminated to other Clue instances.
When a Clue customer disseminates intelligence to a connected Clue instance:
- A new intelligence record will appear in the recipient’s Intelligence Register with a status of ‘For Review’.
- The record will be automatically assigned an Intelligence URN, determined by the recipient’s existing numbering format.
- The new record will contain the Title, images, and a PDF copy of the sender’s intelligence report.
- The recipient will receive an alert advising new intelligence is available for review.
Intelligence can be shared in both directions, and multiple organisation endpoints can be added.